Pjur Original Silicone – Test & Review

   Katie Moroney
Jan 31, 2024

Katie Moroney
: 21
: Intermidiate
: Female
: Heterosexual

  • Want a cheap lube
  • Appreciate a soft lube on the skin
  • Want a basic but good quality lube

  • Want a lube with special features
  • Want to use a silicone toy
  • Don't want a screw top lid

The Pjur Original silicone lube is a basic but affective lube, that lasted long and felt good on the skin. It is nothing special, but it also doesn't claim to be. I liked the way it was thin and slippery, but not too thin that I felt like it wasn't doing a good enough job. It was easy to use and worked well with a sex toy - I really don't have many complaints! Maybe the fact that it left a dark stain when it dried, or that I don't like twist off caps, however the performance of this lube was spot on. *adds 10 more to basket

Pjur Original Silicone  -

This table shows the results of the tests I carried out on this lube. If you want a more detailed description of the tests then continue reading.

Type of Test Results
Did I like the design? It’s okay
How easily does it wash off the skin?  Little effort
Lid functionality/bottle functionality Average to use 
pH* N/A
FDA approved Yes 
How expensive is it? Mid-Low price
Longevity test Medium-Long
Viscosity  Slow speed pour
Thickness Thick
Smell  No smell 
Taste  No taste 
Warming Intensity  No warming features
How tacky is it? Medium tackiness
Condoms  Latex and Rubber
Sex toys  Metal and Glass 
Did it stain the sheets? Yes
pH*: Since there’s no water (H2o) in the silicone lubes you can’t get a pH reading because there is no hydrogen ion activity (H+),  the hydrogen comes from the “H” part of the H2O.

Pjur Original Silicone  -

I am more drawn to black bottles, as I think they look more sleek and high quality. I think that most of the Pjur branding is quite boring, as I don't like the front 'swoosh' design. I do like the way most of the lubes that Pjur make have similar branding, as it makes them recognisable and familiar. Overall, the design was average but not the most eye catching bottle. It looked good on my bathroom shelf because it blended in, but otherwise it didn't look that luxurious.

Pjur Original Silicone  -

The Pjur Original was not as thick of a lube as other Pjur products, therefore making it easier to wash off the skin. It left my skin feeling smooth and moisturised, without making them feel greasy. The bottle itself was made of thinner plastic, which made it easier to squeeze and get the lube out - the easy spout didn't allow too much lube to come out of the bottle on each squeeze, making it easy to control and not cause wastage. I didn't like the twist off lid as it was impossible to take off when my hands were lubed up! I much prefer a pump lid.

Pjur Original Silicone  -

The pH of this lube was more neutral than the other Pjur lubes - This is okay but it would be better if it was more acidic, as it would then match the natural pH of a vagina more. The more acidic the lube, the less likely it is going to interfere with the vaginas' natural chemical balance, therefore preventing irritation or infections, like yeast or UTI. This product is FDA approved, like all other Pjur products, letting you know that it is trustworthy and legalised. I liked being reassured that it is FDA approved, as then I don't have to worry about ingesting it!

Pjur Original Silicone  - <

For an average quality silicone lube, I think the cheaper price tag matched it well. This lube has no special features and didn't stand out from any other silicone lubes that I have used, but it did what it was supposed to. It is smooth and soft on the skin, it isn't as tacky as other lubes and is easy to wash off. You're paying for what you get - a low price tag for a pretty basic lube, that does what it says on the tin!

Pjur Original Silicone  -

This lube lasted as long as I needed it to, without having to re-apply. It was reasonably thick and didn't feel as if it was going to dry out. It had quite a slow pour, showing it to have a high viscosity, but not as much as the Pjur Woman. This lube was also not tacky, and felt almost wet on the skin, similar to a water-based lube. There was no smell or taste, and no warming intensity. The Pjur Original has no special features - if this is what you're looking for, I would recommend the Intimate Earth Mojo Horny Goat Weed lube.

Pjur Original Silicone  -

You can use this lube with latex and polyurethane condoms, as well as glass and metal sex toys. It felt smooth and thin when using it on a metal dildo, which was different to it feeling thicker on the skin. Both ways felt great and it was nice to have a difference. You cannot use silicone sex toys with this silicone lube; use a water-based lube instead.

Pjur Original Silicone  -

This lube did leave a dark ring on bed sheets once it had dried. It was quite tough to rub out of the sheet and took a bit of elbow grease. After a while, it full came out of the cloth, and didn't leave a lasting stain.

Pjur Original Silicone  -

  • Not tacky
  • Thinner than the other Pjur Silicone lubes
  • Easy to wash off

  • Leaves a slightly dark stain when dried
  • Screw off lid is hard to use when hands are lubed

The Pjur Original is a basic and cheap lube, that doesn't lack in quality. It does what it says on the packaging - It is smooth and soft, works well with sex toys and comes in a hand-sized bottle. The twist-off lid is challenging to use if you have lubed up hands, so leave the lid off when mid way through use. The design is basic and some-what uninteresting, but the product itself is great. I would recommend this lube to you if you don't like the fancy things in life, but something affective and useful.

Yes, it left a dark ring on the bed sheets after it had dried. Make sure to place it in a washing machine or wash it with very hot water, and it will be fully removed.

I found the bottle easy to squeeze out the lube and control where the lube was going, yet when I had lube on my hands, the bottle was very slippery and I found it difficult to twist the lid off to access more! I would recommend leaving the lid off during use...