Submit Sex toy review form

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To get started, please fill out the information below.

Share a little information about yourself.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This will be your author picture on the website. If possible, keep it to a max. of 500x500px.
If there is a review of it available on Bedbible, insert the URL to it here.

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Time to Write Your Review!

Now you can start on the review of your toy. We'll take it step-by-step.
Use the following format: [Brand Name] [Product Name]. E.g. Satisfyer Pro 2, Lovense Lush 2.
This will be the first thing the reader sees, so it's okay to be a bit fun with it!
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
These are all the images we will use throughout the review. Insert them in the correct order: 1) Feature image, you holding the product, 2) picture for "your personal experience", usually you holding the toy 3) Design, 4) Ease of use, 5) Quality, 6) Price, 7) Performance, 8) Packaging, 9) Materials & Care. If your product has a 'special feature', you can add a photo for that, too.
What were your first impressions? What do you like and not like about it? Have you tried out different ways to use it? You can use subheadings to break up your writing, but only use Heading 3 or Heading 4.
Selected Value: 50
Does it look and feel good? Does the design work for you?
Selected Value: 50
Describe how easy or hard was it to use/turn on/control the settings/keep in place/connect to the app etc. Would it be suitable for someone with mobility or grip issues? Is there a learning curve?
Selected Value: 50
Is the product of good quality? Or does it feel cheap? Unreliable or extremely reliable/sturdy? Is it silent or loud? Other signs of good/bad quality?
Selected Value: 40
20 = cheap, 100 = expensive
Is it worth it? What do you get for your money (materials, quality, extras in the box etc.)?
Did it live up to expectations and promises made online? Did the vibrations feel good? Was it loud or quiet? Did the battery get hot? Did it hurt to use? Did it have a long or short battery life? How fast did it recharge?
Describe the packaging of the sex toy itself, not the shipping box. Do you personally like the design? Is it too much, or too little? Is it discreet or bold? Does it give you tips or examples of how to use the product? When reviewing your own product, write about what you remember of the packaging, or look at pictures online to help you.
Are the materials body-safe/non-porous? Are they heavy or light? Do they seem high-quality? Is the product waterproof? How should you clean it? Was it easy or hard to clean and store? Does it come with a storage bag/box?
If it doesn't have one, you can skip this box.
Selected Value: 50
Low rating = for beginners | High rating = for advanced users
Selected Value: 3.5