Biird Anii — Test & Review

   Kiki Hall
May 8, 2024

Kiki Hall
: 25
: Advanced
: Female, she/her
: Pansexual
: Womanizer Duo 2

  • Enjoy anal stimulation
  • Want the option of temperature play
  • Like the feeling of glass toys
  • Want something comfortable and pleasurable

  • Do not enjoy anal stimulation
  • Do not like glass toys
  • Want something small
  • Are brand new to anal play

The Biird Anii is made from incredibly sleek and high-quality hypoallergenic borosilicate glass. It curves very gradually so it is extremely comfortable to insert as well as inside the body. The base is flared for extra security and support so you can be sure your play session is safe and secure. Because it is made entirely of glass, cleaning is an absolute breeze and it is 100% safe to use in or out of water.

Biird Anii -

This One is Juuussstttt Right…

Anal play can be intimidating but it can also add so much in terms of pleasure to your sexual experiences. If you have already had some experience in this area, the Biird Anii glass plug may become your new partner in crime. Anal plugs can sometimes be way too big, too round, too long; I could go on. My point is, sometimes its hard to find the PERFECT toy for your behind. Biird Anii is one of the closest contenders to being “perfect” I have ever found. It isn’t too big or too small, the curves are gradual and seamless, the base is flared for comfort and safety, the material makes it incredibly smooth to insert and remove, and it is a wonderfully comfortable length. I feel like I am having a very very adult and grown-up Goldilocks experience with this plug because, for me, it is “just right”. My only teeny tiny complaint is that I wish the base was just ever so slightly more flared. That for me is a personal preference for my comfort but this might not be an issue depending on your body!

Comfort at Its Finest

I literally cannot express how comfortable this plug is. Because it isn’t super bulbous, you can experience dual penetration without feeling too full or overstimulated. On its own, it probably isn’t going to get you off (which I don’t think most plugs are causing orgasms all on their own) but it truly adds so much pleasure to whatever other stimulation you are enjoying. I also love how gender-neutral this plug is. Men, women, non-binary, anything in-between, as long as you have a backside and want to stimulate that area, this toy is going to work for you. I also love that this toy is made of glass because that adds so much to the experience. Right out of the case, the glass is pretty cold which can add really fun and exciting temperature play, but you can warm it up in your hands for a few seconds and it perfectly becomes body temperature so there is no shocking cold. You can use ANY lube with this and again, the glass just makes it so sleek and smooth; insertion and removal are both breezy. Cleaning takes just a few minutes and you can use basic soap and water! This toy, in my humble opinion, is a no-brainer if you want anal stimulation.

Biird Anii -

When I first opened the packaging and saw this toy I wanted to squeal. It just gives off this expensive high-quality vibe that I absolutely love. I think glass toys are beautiful anyways, but the shape, design, and color are really stunning. The plug is mostly a deep blue color, but it has an iridescence to it so in the light it shines purples, pinks, yellows, and even a little green. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching, it is truly so comfortable and pleasurable because of the gentle and ergonomic shape.

Biird Anii -

Because this is a simple glass pug, there are no buttons or controls to fiddle with. As long as you have some beginner experience in anal penetration and lots of your favorite lube, it is incredibly easy to use. All you really need to do it relax, lube up, and insert it! After its sitting comfortably, you can leave it alone for the rest of your experience until you’re done. It is not overly heavy, and the round top is comfortable and easy to hold.

Biird Anii -

I have said it already and I will say it again, this toy is high-quality. Even just out of the box I was hit with this feeling of luxury. It is the perfect weight and size, and you can genuinely tell a lot of care and thought went into designing this plug. The glass is incredibly sturdy and smooth. Because of its transparent design, you can see all the way through the glass and there are no dings or air bubbles or imperfections in sight. The brand as a whole, feels like a luxury brand.

Biird Anii - <

For a toy of this quality and general excellence, it is highly affordable. At only $39, you are absolutely getting your money’s worth out of it. This toy runs no risk of breaking or tearing up (unless maybe you’re planning on throwing it out of a 5-story window onto hard concrete) and could literally last you a lifetime of use. The toy also comes with a really nice vegan leather case which just added to the posh feel. High-quality toy + high-quality case + durability and comfort makes it a complete win in my book.

Biird Anii -

If I had any expectations beforehand, they were definitely exceeded. Of course, with a toy like this, you don’t have to worry about batteries or controls or charging or anything of that nature. This is a simple toy with high impact. It doesn’t need any extra bells or whistles to make it awesome. The attention to detail when it came to designing this toy is extremely apparent. The comfort and pleasure you will get out of this plug shows perfect performance.

Biird Anii -

Just like the toy and the storage case, the box that everything came in is amazing. You can really see the attention to detail that was put in to designing every aspect of this toy. I still have the box just because it’s so cute I couldn’t bring myself to recycle it. The design makes me think of luxury hand crafted perfume boxes because it has a cute little postcard-esque print on the front with all the basic information of the toy. It has some iridescent/holographic details that tie in perfect to the toy itself. I lovvvveeeedddd all of the little details, it made the whole experience feel special.

Biird Anii -

The Biird Anii is made out of high-quality, body-safe, hypoallergenic borosilicate glass that is incredibly sleek and durable. It isn’t overly heavy but offers enough “weight” to where you can really feel the quality of the glass. Because it is made from glass, you can clean it easy and quickly with just soap and water. Once you’re done using it and cleaning it, you can tuck it away safely in its beautiful and sturdy vegan leather case which also makes it perfect for traveling and storing discreetly!

Length4.6 inches
Insertable length3.5 inches
Diameter1.14 inches
MaterialsBorosilicate Glass
Weight0.25 lbs
Storage Bag IncludedYes
Colors AvailableBlue

Biird Anii -

  • High-quality
  • Comfortable and ergonomic
  • Made from body-safe, hypoallergenic materials
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Affordable
  • Made for all bodies

  • Only for anal stimulation
  • Only comes in one size
  • Base could be slightly more flared

The Biird Anii is a stunning, luxurious, and truly high quality glass plug. It is extremely comfortable to wear and is truly the perfect size. Anyone looking for a luxurious but affordable anal play experience should highly consider purchasing this plug.

When using the Biird Anii, apply a generous amount of lubricant before gently inserting the plug, and use the base to adjust its angle and position for maximum comfort. When removing, gently pull on the base.