Oral Fun Board Game Review

   Rachel Worthington
Oct 2, 2024

Rachel Worthington
: 27
: Experienced
: Female
: Bisexual
: We-Vibe Tango X

  • Are looking for an exciting, involved couple's game
  • Love giving and receiving oral sex
  • Are looking for ways to spice up regular oral

  • Are looking for a pick-up-and-play game with no extras required
  • Prefer games that start off flirty and then get more spicy
  • Want a game for more than two players
  • Prefer games that get you talking

Oral Fun is a sexy game for couples that it all about, as you might expect, oral sex. You and your partner move along the board, and each space you land on has either a trivia question, an oral sex challenge or another surprise. You'll need quite a few additional items to play the game: flavored lube, a glass of fizz, a blindfold, some ice cubes, and something small to eat like strawberries or cherries. It's important to keep the game guide at hand, as each space has a specific action tied to these items that you'll need to look up once you land on it. Most of them have a variation for 'him' and for 'her'.

Oral Fun -

The Set Up

Oral Fun is not a game that you can just unbox and start playing. My partner and I took one look at the board and realized that we’d have to read through the accompanying game guide to know what to do. Each space on the board has an illustration, but it’s not clear at first glance what all of them mean (for example, the lollipop icon means ‘wait a turn’). You’ll also need to gather (and probably buy) a few things in order to get the most out of the game. You may have ice cubes and a blindfold lying around, and maybe even some strawberries, but we had to go and get some flavored lube and a bottle of fizz. Luckily, I work at a sex toy review website with a ‘lube lab‘, so procuring a nice flavor of lube was easy.

Getting Down to Business

I like games that get the flirting going. This game does that to some extent, but I wouldn’t recommend starting from zero, because it jumps in at the deep end! From the very beginning of the game, he rolled a six and landed on a blindfold space, where the action is: “Hide and Seek — with a blindfold on, hone in on your partner’s intimate bits using only your tongue.” That could have been fun, but we needed a bit more warm up first. However, the further we got, the less awkward it became and the more we enjoyed it. The commands get raunchier as you go, and by the end, they’re suggesting 69ing. Be prepared to perform and receive a lot of oral during this game!

Questionable Wording

I don’t know why, but this game has a thing for euphemisms. There are a lot of interesting word choices, including ‘disco stick’, ‘lady garden’, ‘wand’, ‘love bean’, ‘trouser-snake’… you get the idea. It’s a little funny, but all of them together made me cringe. A lot of these phrases are also very tied to heterosexual, cisgender norms (like ‘her lady garden’, ‘his disco stick’ etc.), and many of the actions have a ‘Him’ option and a ‘Her’ option. I guess that if you were a same-sex couple, you could both pick the same prompts, but then you might have to repeat things. My other issue with the game is how long they suggest doing some of the activities for. I’m not one to dunk on a long session of oral, but if you plan to get through a whole game, spending three whole minutes waggling your tongue side-to-side as fast as you can against your partner’s genitals (yes, that’s a real prompt) seems a bit much.

Oral Fun -

If I had to sum up the design of Oral Fun in one word, it would be 'Pink!'. It is a bit loud, but I don't mind it because everything looks very professionally designed and crafted. Each space has a nice little illustration on it, telling you what to do next, but since there's so many of them, you'll probably have to keep looking at the game guide to remind yourself what each one means.

Oral Fun -

In terms of gameplay, Oral Fun is just as difficult as Chutes and Ladders (i.e. extremely easy). All you need to do is roll the dice, move your counter and look up what to do in the game guide. However, the game does add another layer by asking you to incorporate a whole host of other items. Some of them you probably already have, like ice cubes, but even I didn't have flavored lube to hand, and I'm a sex toy reviewer! Getting everything together can be a bit of a challenge, and you may prefer to skip some of them to make it easier to get started.

Oral Fun -

This is a really high-quality board game. The board, the cards, the box — they all feel really nice and sturdy and shiny. The illustrations on the board look great, too! There's a lot of thought put into all of the oral sex ideas, even if not all of them may be so appealing to you.

Oral Fun - <

I was surprised to see how cheap this game is! My partner and I are both boardgame fans and have spent much more than Oral Fun's $20 on other games that looked and felt not as nice as this one. Even though we didn't fully fall in love with this game, at that price, I think it's 100% worth giving it a go if you think you might enjoy it.

Oral Fun -

A lot of people online seem to absolutely love this game, and I can see why. If you get the prep right, don't take the rules too seriously and leave your awkwardness at the door, it can be a hoot! There's certainly plenty to keep you entertained, and in the end, I enjoyed getting to know more about my partner and what he likes.

Oral Fun -

While the box for Oral Fun is certainly not discreet, it's not overly explicit either. It's a nice, sturdy box with the name of the game on the top and an overview of the game at the bottom. I wouldn't keep it out on a shelf for everyone to see, but I like that it feels like it will last a long time.

Oral Fun -

In the box, you'll find a small, foldable board, one dice, two plastic player counters, thirty trivia cards and a game guide. Like most games, it comes with a small, resealable bag to store the dice and counters in, but no bag for the cards. Since the board and the cards are made from paper, they aren't waterproof, so you should take care when handling all the liquids involved in the game!

Materials1 Game Board, 30 Trivia Cards, 1 Dice, 2 Player Counters, 1 Game Guide

Oral Fun -

  • Really fun to play!
  • Includes a lot of ideas to switch up oral sex
  • Helps you learn new things about your partner and their preferences

  • Requires a lot of extras
  • Not designed for more than two players
  • Some of the actions go on too long
  • Feels a bit heteronormative

Oral Fun is a full-on game that is less flirty and more super-sexy! It was fun for my partner and I to enjoy a change of pace from other flirty board games we've tried and get stuck in with this explicitly sexual one. It gives you a lot of ideas for different ways to try out oral sex, and some of them will be making future appearances even without the game. However, we definitely had to bend some of the rules to make it more fun for us to play.